With the Seanapps unit on board and a mobile app, you’ll be able to find all of your boat’s information on your phone, including tank level monitoring, maintenance scheduling, Geofences and much more.

Why Seanapps is going to change your life?

Monitor your boat in real time and avoid bad surprises, facilitate the maintenance of your boat and enjoy a personalized user experience…

Subscription is free for the first year!

4G global coverage

Seanapps is available worldwide, regardless of your location.

For all types of boat

The Seanapps service is the perfect solution to connect any existing boat, regardless of its age or brand. It only requires a 12V/24V power supply to work.

Respect your privacy

Seanapps guarantees absolute confidentiality and total protection of your data.

Delayed mode

You can continue using Seanapps even when you are not on board your boat.

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