At Estupenda Náutica we are dedicated to offering personalized technical and maintenance service for your boat. From installing state-of-the-art equipment to specialized repairs, we provide professional care to ensure your boat is always in perfect seaworthy condition.
Our team is trained to manage the warranties of your equipment and carry out all types of repairs on catamarans. From technical problems to the installation of new systems, we offer you a quick and efficient solution so you can enjoy your boat without worries.
We install and configure advanced equipment, such as GPS Plotter, sonar, AIS, generators and marine cameras, ensuring your boat is equipped with the best technology available. Browse safely and confidently thanks to our specialized technical service.
At Estupenda Náutica, we work with the best partners in the nautical sector to guarantee that each boat receives the most complete and specialized service. Thanks to our collaboration with the most prestigious brands, we can cover all technical and maintenance needs, ensuring maximum quality in each intervention.
We integrate innovative systems such as solar panels and water purifiers to improve energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of your boat. Our ecological approach allows you to enjoy long voyages while taking care of the marine environment.
Información básica sobre Protección de datos: RESPONSABLE: ESTUPPENDA OCIO, S.L. FINALIDAD: gestión administrativa, publicidad y prospección comercial. LEGITIMACIÓN : Consentimiento del interesado. DESTINATARIOS: Particulares, organizaciones o entidades directamente relacionadas con el responsable y Administraciones Públicas con competencia en la materia. CONSERVACIÓN DE LOS DATOS: Hasta el fin de la prestación del servicio. Finalizado, hasta solicitar la supresión por el interesado. DERECHOS: Acceder, rectificar consultar y suprimir los datos, así como el resto de los que le son inherentes, en virtud de la LOPDGDD 3/2018. INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL: Puede contactar con nosotros en: [email protected].